Pocono Mountains Visitors Bureau Hosts Grant Writing Workshop

One for Nature, Pocono Mountains Visitors Bureau, and PennState Extension will host a full-day Grant Writing Workshop on Thursday, July 25 at Kalahari Resorts & Conventions.  Whether you’re new to the world of grants or have some experience as a grants writer, this workshop will break the grant writing process down into workable strategies to ensure a more successful outcome. Program components will include…the Grant Seeking Process, Components and Expectations, Showcasing and Managing Your Project, and Grant Review Process and Follow-up.

The program will include engaging instruction, a panel discussion, as well as educational activities. Tickets are $40.00 per person and include light breakfast, refreshments, lunch and materials. Ticket purchases directly support One for Nature. Registration is required and space is limited. There are currently 25 spots remaining. Once all seats are sold out, registration will be closed. Deadline to register is Monday, July 22, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.