Aging Together in PA Town Hall: Elder Justice & Dignity Pennsylvania is home to more than 3.4 million older adults, the fifth highest total in the country, according to the Pennsylvania Department of Aging. Currently one in four Pennsylvanians is age 60 and older. By 2030, this number will rise to one in three. In response to that, WVIA and WITF are assembling a panel of experts to discuss Pennsylvania’s 10-year plan to meet the needs of the Commonwealth’s older adults and the circumstances that led to its inception. We’ll explore the challenges faced by older citizens and their caregivers, what services are currently available in our area, and how we can work together to ensure the safety, dignity and joys of aging in PA. Our panelists include: Jason Kavulich, Secretary, PA Department of Aging Patricia D’Antonio, Executive Director, National Center to Reframe Aging Velma Carter-Dryer, Advocate for Older Pennsylvanians Kristen Lees Haggerty, PhD, Project Director, National Collaboratory to Address Elder Mistreatment