Vicky Bryant Promoted at Honesdale National Bank Thomas Sheridan, Jr., President and CEO of The Honesdale National Bank, announced Vicky Bryant has been promoted to VP, Data Processing Manager. In making the statement, Sheridan noted, “Vicky has shown her dedication and reliance throughout her career at the bank. We are very happy to have her as a long term HNB Family member. She goes above and beyond for our customers, in support of our goals and in her commitment to our community.” In her current role, Bryant serves as Data Processing Manager, overseeing the Data Processing department at HNB. Looking back on her 29 year career in the financial industry, Bryant began her career with HNB in the bookkeeping department, and shortly after had the opportunity to become a clerk in the Data Processing department. Since then she has been appointed to Data Processing Manager, AVP, Data Processing Manager, and will continue on as VP, Data Processing Manager. In mentioning her role at HNB, Bryant noted, “Working at HNB has given me the opportunity to raise two amazing young men, Michael Bryant is married and working in the natural gas industry & AC1 Daniel Bryant is currently stationed in Virginia for the US Air Force.” She continued, “As a member of the HNB family I have had the opportunity to work at a career that puts family first for its employees while still providing the community the best services available.” Bryant was born and raised in Honesdale and received her Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education from East Stroudsburg University. She has also received Jack Henry University administrator certifications throughout her career. Outside of the bank, she is a member of the Enterprise Grange Torrey, Pa, Cold Spring Chapel Community Kitchen & Laurella 4-H Cloverbud leader. She enjoys helping in the local community and when time and weather conditions allow, you will find her riding a snowmobile.