Dress for Success Lackawanna: Honor Women Making An Impact Campaign Join Dress for Success Lackawanna on Friday, March 8, 2024, at 8:30 am at the Scranton Hilton & Conference Center as we partner with The Greater Scranton Chamber of Commerce to celebrate inspirational women in northeastern Pennsylvania. Our annual Women Making an Impact campaign, held during Women’s History Month, honors local women in our region who inspire inclusion, and influence others by making a positive impact within their organization or community. This is an exciting opportunity to show your recognition and support by sponsoring a woman you know who is making an impact. At the International Women’s Day breakfast event, Dress for Success Lackawanna will be highlighting 31 impactful women from the six counties that we serve. $500 “INSPIRE” Sponsorship includes: Honoree nominee (1) Honoree recognition in pre and post-event promotion, website & social media Honoree complimentary ticket (1) to the International Women’s Day Breakfast Recognition at our 25th Anniversary Celebration Event on May 16th, 2024 Please submit your sponsorship by Friday, January 26th, 2024. Should you have any questions, please reach out to me at 570-941-0339 or email me at lackawanna@dressforsuccess.org. Thank you for helping the women in our community receive the recognition they deserve! Link to nomination form here: https://bit.ly/HonoreeRegistration