I Need A Speaker Offers Six-week Public Speaking Workshop

Registration is open for a six-week public speaking course offered by I Need A Speaker, an online connection hub for speakers and the people who want to book them. This in-person course will meet Tuesdays from 6-8 p.m. beginning on April 2, 2024 at Urban Co-Works, 116 N. Washington Ave., Scranton, PA.

“This course will help individuals develop their public speaking skills and serve as a refresher for those who have existing skills,” explained I Need A Speaker founder Tricia Richards-Service, PhD, who serves as instructor.

Participants will learn how to:

·      Choose, narrow, and refine your topic

·      Write a central statement of purpose

·      Analyze your audience

·      Gather supporting materials

·      Outline an impactful speech

·      Develop an effective delivery style

·      Get started in the public speaking business. 

The course fee is $397. For details and registration, email info@ineedaspeaker.com. Registration closes March 27, 2024.