Steamtown NHS Prepares for Summer Visitors Steamtown National Historic Site (NHS) employees have been gearing up and getting things on track for summer operations. The National Park Service (NPS) works closely with the NPS Office of Public Health to monitor and respond to the COVID-19 pandemic using the latest science to support decision making. Consistent with CDC recommendations, people who are not fully vaccinated must continue to wear masks indoors and in crowded outdoor spaces. Masks are required for everyone on all forms of public transportation. Please note: all dates are subject to change depending on local (Lackawanna County) COVID-19 levels. Beginning Saturday, June 26 * Summer hours of 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. go into effect.* The Theater will open and daily showings of “Steel and Steam” will resume.* With public health in mind, the Imagination Station remains closed. Beginning Wednesday, July 7 * The History Museum, including the Post Office car and Erie Business car, will reopen, however the Archeology Pit remains closed. In addition, the following spaces and activities continue to be available during regular visiting hours: * The Visitor Center;* The Park Store;* The “Cut-a-Way” Display portion of the 1902 Roundhouse;* The 1937 Roundhouse. Information pertaining to the “Scranton Limited” short train ride will be forthcoming. Please stay tuned. The health and safety of our visitors, employees, volunteers, and partners continues to be paramount. Prior to visiting the park, visit the website and check the “Alerts” for up-to-date information on operations. Some services remain limited or unavailable; please observe posted signage designating capacity restrictions, one-way flow of traffic, and physical distancing recommendations. Located in downtown Scranton, Pennsylvania, Steamtown NHS is open daily. From Interstate-81 follow exit 185 (Central Scranton Expressway); then follow the brown and white signs to the park entrance at Lackawanna Avenue and Cliff Street (GPS: N 41.41, W 75.67). General park information is available by phoning (570) 340-5206 during regular business hours, or by visiting the park website anytime.