Marywood University to Host Virtual Conference with Photographer Marywood University’s art department will host a virtual talk with internationally renowned documentary photographer Jordi Barreras, titled “Already but not yet: A Photographic Analysis of Social Isolation in Contemporary Society,” based upon the artist’s highly acclaimed recent book by the same name. The work examines—through photography—social isolation in contemporary society and the spreading influence of corporations throughout our lives. The virtual talk is free and open to the public and will be held on Zoom on Friday, March 3, from 3-4 p.m. EST [8-9 p.m. GMT]. Those interested are asked to pre-register at, and a link will be provided one day prior to the event. This talk is being held in conjunction with a photography course at Marywood, Photography as a Means of Self Expression, in which students make their own photo books. Barreras is a London-based documentary photographer. He became a photojournalist in 2002, working for some of the most important newspapers in Spain. Barreras ultimately decided to abandon photojournalism due to what he deemed “its sensationalist nature and lack of political critique.” His work then began to be more critical and reflexive, seeking the connections between documentary and conceptual photography. He holds an M.A. degree from Birbeck University of London, is a photojournalism postgraduate of the University of Barcelona, and a graduate of the general photography course at Grisart School, Barcelona. His book has been featured in the Washington Post and the New York Times. Barreras is currently working on a new project on the relationship between architecture and power in several European capitals. To register for the virtual talk with Jordi Barreras, pre-register at: The Zoom link will be provided to registrants a day before the event.