Spacetime Mead & Cider Works Label Competition Space Time Mead & Cider Works is sponsoring its 3rd Annual Label Art Competition. All proceeds from the contest will go to the Everhart Museum. Prizes will be given to the winners. This year’s theme is the “Overview Effect” – a shift in perspective, attributed to astronauts “experiencing firsthand the reality of the Earth in space, which is immediately understood to be a tiny, fragile ball of life, “hanging in the void”, shielded and nourished by a paper-thin atmosphere.” “I found by talking with our customers, vendors, and family that there has been a realignment of priorities as a result of the pandemic and other transformative events that occurred in the past year.” Says Dan Schreffler. “The change in day-to-day interactions, recovering from serious illnesses, accidents, and other losses have forced us to question how we spend our time and challenge us to make positive quality of life changes.” The competition entry deadline is August 1, 2021. The winner will be announced in August. All official competition rules, forms and dates can be found by visiting