Marywood University to Observe National School Psychology Week During the week of November 7-11, 2022, schools throughout the country are celebrating National School Psychology Week (NSPW) to highlight the important work school psychologists do to help students thrive. Every year in November, school psychologists, professors, and graduate students gear up to bring awareness to the field of school psychology and highlight the work that school psychologists do to help students thrive. The theme for our 2022 National School Psychology Week is “Together We Shine”. This theme encourages us to see hope after a series of challenging years. It’s about offering hope as students move forward from the difficult COVID-19 pandemic. We have all faced difficulties created by the pandemic, social injustice and inequity, economic stress, and challenges to mental and physical health. For some, it has been a time of real challenge, and finding light is critical to building resilience and hope. Though each of us has our own inner light, when we bring together our ideas and actions to uplift each other, we shine even brighter, both as individuals and as a community. During the week, school psychologists will connect with students and staff to highlight how each person’s contributions can move us forward. Just as we continue developing our own skills individually and with support from others, we in turn can help others foster resilience and support those who need it as well. School psychologists are particularly skilled at assisting students and staff in thriving and working together, whatever the challenge. With expertise in both education and mental health, school psychologists are uniquely qualified to help address the needs of students and schools. This means addressing challenges such as poverty, academic underachievement, mental and behavioral health issues, bullying, homelessness, increasing cultural and linguistic diversity, record high student enrollment—to name just a few. All argue for the critical importance of the services provided by school psychologists. School psychologists throughout the country are empowering students to deal with mental and behavioral health challenges, to connect with others, and to discover endless possibilities for academic success, as well as social and emotional well-being. Unfortunately, research suggests that longstanding shortages of school psychologists continue to threaten students’ access to needed school psychological services. Although this shortage continues to be a national problem, Marywood University officials are to be acknowledged and congratulated as they sought to address this critical issue shortage by recently reinstating its Ed.S. program in School Psychology. The program is directed by Dr. Stuart Badner. Under his direction and leadership, the School Psychology program at Marywood has been recruiting cadres of new school psychology students since Fall 2020 and are expecting to graduate its first class of entry-level school psychology professionals in May 2023. Moreover, the leaders of Marywood University are committed to developing a truly exceptional and much-needed program, aligned with National Association of School Psychology practice standards.