NeighborWorks NEPA Launches Mobile Toolkit Program

NeighborWorks Northeastern Pennsylvania is pleased to announce the launch of the Mobile Toolkit program.

The Mobile Toolkit is a trailer-based collection of outdoor tools and equipment that can be transported and used for cleanups, tree-plantings, and other outdoor projects. The Mobile Toolkit will be available for use by local nonprofit organizations, neighborhood groups, and others to complete neighborhood improvement projects. Tools available in the Mobile Toolkit include a lawnmower, walk-behind and hand-held string trimmers, shovels, rakes, wheelbarrows, and various hand-held tools.

“The Mobile ToolKit represents a great step forward in our capacities to aid our community partners in the area of neighborhood revitilization,” Jesse Ergott, NWNEPA President & CEO, said of the initiative. “The tools and equipment available for use through this program will allow neighborhood groups to accomplish projects that may not be possible otherwise.”

The Mobile Toolkit has served as the team service project for the Community Leadership Instittue (CLI) team from NWNEPA.

Organized and hosted by NeighborWorks America, the CLI program brings together teams of neighborhood leaders from NeighborWorks Network member organizations across the United States to strengthen the capacity of the participants to make positive change in their communities. The CLI timeline includes action planning sessions, skill-building workshops and a yearlong service project implementation period.

CLI team members include Thom Welby, Henry Matute, Andy Chomko, Anne McNally, Tim Schwartz, Robert Philbin, Eric Myers, Robert Gattens, Meegan Possemato, and Holly Yorkonis.
For more information, or to reserve the Mobile ToolKit for an upcoming neighborhood project, visit, or contact Gerard Hetman at 570-558-2490 or