L.R. Costanzo Co., Inc. Celebrates Safety Milestone

The incredible team from L.R. Costanzo Co., Inc. (LRC) recently achieved a milestone of over 50,000 work hours without an injury! The company celebrated by hosting catered luncheons at their varied worksites during “Safety Week.” Each May, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) conducts the National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls. LRC has participated in this event, dedicated to raising awareness about fall hazards and reinforcing the importance of fall prevention in the construction industry, for the past 11 years. During this week, LRC’s management teams, craft, and sub-contractor teams take a break from their regular work activities to discuss fall hazards, review safety procedures, engage in training sessions and demonstrations

According to Corporate Safety & Health Manager Gerald Jones, “During these educational seminars, our stand-downs include toolbox talks, safety equipment inspections, reviewing rescue plans, and discussing job-specific hazards and any incidents/near misses. We also review OSHA’s focused initiatives ( e.g. mental health, heat stress, excavation). It’s an opportunity for us to talk directly to employees about safety and to emphasize the importance of preventing falls, which are a leading cause of fatalities in the construction industry.”

LRC applauds the efforts and dedication of LRC employees and sub-contractors for maintaining a safe work environment. We salute our team and celebrate the continued commitment to maintaining a strong safety culture.