Outreach – Center for Community Resources GED Graduate

Outreach – Center for Community Resources received a $5,000 Innovative Impact grant from the Scranton Area Community Foundation to support the delivery of GED services for individuals in the community to further their education.

This grant provided essential resources for Outreach to serve additional adults in our community in need of these services. Outreach is providing GED educational instruction to economically disadvantaged adults at no cost. This is only possible with grants to support the GED program. Adults with a GED earn on average $9,000 more annually than adults without a GED. Less than 10% of the job positions in the United States will consider hiring someone that does not hold a high school diploma or GED. Attainment of a GED is critical for adults seeking employment and economic self-sufficiency.

The Scranton Area Community Foundation has been serving the Northeastern Pennsylvania region for over 65 years as a steward, a grantmaker, a charitable resource, and a catalyst for change and growth. The Scranton Area Community Foundation was established as a community trust in 1954 by the Scranton Family, whose initial gift was the seed that has grown into a permanent vehicle for donors to accomplish their philanthropic goals while helping to support positive change within our community. Today the Scranton Area Community Foundation holds and manages a variety of funds from individuals, organizations, and corporations. Through these gifts, the Foundation responds to community needs and has provided grants to support regional nonprofits.

Cal Bieryla is one of the first to participate in the community GED program at Outreach. Cal was extremely motivated to learn while managing multiple responsibilities, such as being a single Dad and having a full-time job. By utilizing the in-person and online instruction offered by Outreach, Cal was able to attend Math class in the morning after working all night. Then, he worked on English on his own time via Google Classroom. Cal’s goal was not simply to pass the GED exam, but to obtain scores that would allow him to be accepted into college. On July 18, he officially became a graduate with college-ready scores. 

Outreach supported his desire to pursue post-secondary education by connecting him with assistance to explore careers, complete college applications, and financial aid paperwork. Within a few days of completing his GED, Cal was officially accepted into Lackawanna College and is now studying Cyber Security.

With grant support from regional foundations, Outreach Center for Community Resources delivers family educational and workforce development services and programs to the regional community that promotes family stability and economic self-sufficiency. Outreach provides evidence-based early childhood programs that help families and children gain the skills needed to be healthy and productive members of the community. Outreach improves the lives of over 4,000 individuals each year with award-winning workforce and family development programs that support them as they navigate life’s challenges.