PennState Scranton Offers Free Course Environmental Science (3 credit course BISC 003) In this course, we will explore the root causes of today’s environmental crisis and, in so doing, consider scientific, technological, sociological, psychological, and personal responses to what is, arguable, the most significant crisis in the history of our species. If you commit to fully engaging with this course, you can expect to:(1) Discover how questions can be powerful catalysts for learning; (2) Grow in your ability to see both yourself and Planet Earth from new and liberating perspectives; (3) Appreciate the power of critical thinking and personal reflection as a means to both personal and global transformation; and (4) Realize that you, should you choose, can play a significant role in the healing of our world. (Plans are to have at least one meeting be a field trip). This course is held on Tuesday evenings 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm on the Penn State Scranton campus from 1/17/2023 to 5/2/2023 plus an online component. Full Scholarships are available through the generosity of the DeNaples Family and the Keystone Sanitary Landfill Contact our Center for Business Development and Community Outreach for more information: or 570-963-2600