Northeast Regional Cancer Institute’s 22nd Annual CASUAL Day Announces Chair Alessandro Smeraldi, MD is chair for the Northeast Regional Cancer Institute’s 22nd Annual CASUAL (Colon Cancer Awareness Saves Unlimited Adult Lives) Day for a second year. Building on the momentum he gained last year; he is once again teaming up with his wife Gail and other healthcare professionals to bring awareness to the importance of colon cancer screening. Alessandro Smeraldi, MD is a board-certified vascular surgeon. Dr. Smeraldi recently retired, focusing on his family and his health. He is proud to have served his community these many years. He maintains ties with the Society for Vascular Surgery and Society for Vascular Ultrasound. Additionally, he serves as a clinical professor of surgery at the Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine in Scranton. Dr. Smeraldi draws daily strength from the love of his wife, Gail, and their children Hayley and Caleb. CASUAL Day, set for Thursday, March 27, 2025, is a dress down day to raise awareness for colorectal cancer in northeast Pennsylvania. On this day, participants dress casual while wearing specially designed socks, hats, and/or t-shirts. The focus of this awareness campaign is to have a casual conversation about colon cancer. All proceeds from the event stay in NEPA and go towards the Cancer Institute efforts to raise awareness and support to support colorectal cancer prevention, early detection education and screenings. For more information about CASUAL Day and how you can participate, please call the Cancer Institute at (570) 904-8808 or visit