Greater Scranton YMCA Receives Grant The Dollar General Literacy Foundation recently awarded the Greater Scranton YMCA a $ 3,000 grant to support its summer literacy program, Summer Scholars. This local grant is a part of the Foundation’s largest, one day literacy donation of more than $13 million throughout the 47 states in which Dollar General operates to support adult, family and summer literacy programs. The Greater Scranton YMCA’s Summer Scholars Program is a free research based and researchproven six week summer learning program with a goal to get elementary students on track toread at or above grade level by the start of their next school year. In summer 2023, the programwill serve rising first, second and third grade students attending the Dunmore School District. Participants’ days consist of 2.5 hours of literacy in the morning followed by lunch and enrichmentin the afternoon. Enrichment activities include field trips, as well as trips to the Greater ScrantonYMCA for use of the pools. The program is instructed by certified teachers and YMCA staff.