Geisinger hosts March for Babies on Sept. 22 Walk supports March of Dimes helping to prevent preterm births and defects Get ready to take steps, whether big or small, to join the fight for the health of local parents and babies. Geisinger is hosting the March of Dimes’ March for Babies at noon on Sunday, Sept. 22 at the Henry Hood Center, which is on Center Street next to Geisinger Medical Center in Danville. The event will include a superhero sprint for children at 11:45 a.m. Registration opens at 11 a.m. and opening remarks will be made before the walk. Money raised during the March for Babies helps to fund the NICU Family Support programs in Geisinger’s Danville and Wilkes-Barre hospitals. NICU Family Support provides educational and supportive activities to help local families through the NICU journey and prepares them to take their baby home. Geisinger has partnered with the March of Dimes since 2006. The organization plays critical roles in raising awareness and funds to help prevent preterm birth, birth defects, and deaths. Register or donate at and join the movement on Sept. 22.