2024 National Civics Bee Submission Deadline Less Than a Week Away Chamber Partners: The Greater Scranton Chamber of Commerce, Back Mountain Chamber, Greater Hazleton Chamber of Commerce, Greater Pittston Chamber of Commerce, The Greater Wyoming Valley Chamber of Commerce, and Wyoming County Chamber of Commerce.
Dunmore Winery Holds Label Competition Space Time Mead & Cider Works is sponsoring its 4thAnnual Label Competition to design a bottle label for specialty wine. The theme for this year’s competition is Unity;inspired by the work of people towards peace and justice for Ukraine.Strides toward unity exemplify our hope for people to come together in the future. All proceeds from the contest will be given to Doctors Without Borders to provide funds for Ukraine and other efforts globally. Dan Schreffler notes, “Unity was chosen as a reminder of the past accomplishments we earthling have done when working together for a better world. The International Space Station’s (ISS) module called Unity was put in orbit in 1998. It connects the Russian and United States segments of the station and is where the crew eats meals together, even now.” Prizes will be given to the Judge’s Selection and People’s Choice winners. Judge’s Selection will be chosen by contest’s sponsors. They will have their name and artwork featured on special release of wine and will receive a cash award of $250. The People’s Choice will be selected by voting. The top voted label will receive a cash award of $250. The competition submission deadline is June 1, 2022. All official competition rules, forms and dates can be found by visiting https://spacetimemeadworks.com/label-art-competition/.