Young Announced as Assistant Director of Allied Services Vocational Services

Members News

Erin Young was announced as Assistant Director of Vocational Services in Scranton.  Erin has been with Allied Services Integrated Health System since 2013, and has served as a Program Specialist, Lead Program Specialist, and most recently as Clinical Coordinator. She is the Incident Management Lead contact, part of the team involved in the Quality Assessment Improvement Process (QAI), an Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Certified Investigator and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) trainer for the Vocational Services Division.  

In addition to continuing to function in her current role, Erin’s new responsibilities will include oversight of workshop staff and day-to-day operations of the Vocational Work Program. Erin’s knowledge of the program and dedication to providing the best possible services will serve her well in her new position.