PS Bank Supports Lackawanna Trail School District

Members News

PS Bank is proud to support the Lackawanna Trail School District for the 2023-2024 academic year with a charitable contribution of $5,000. PS Bank is a committed supporter of the district as well as the greater Factoryville, Nicholson, and Dalton communities.

This year’s donation supported the purchase of new curtains for the high school’s auditorium, which is named after PS Bank. In acceptance of the monetary donation, Business Manager Keith Glynn said numerous other projects were also funded including tools for vocational education, supplementary health class resources, and consumer science curriculum materials.

Anthony Gabello, President & CEO of PS Bank knows that supporting public education is the foundation of a prosperous community and is proud to have such a great relationship with Lackawanna Trail. “PS Bank is proud to support the Lackawanna Trail School District again this year. Serving the students and faculty of the district with our annual sponsorship allows school leadership to continue to provide a quality educational experience,” stated Gabello. “We appreciate the ongoing relationship we have with Lackawanna Trail, its students and their families.”

PS Bank serves the Lackawanna Trail community at 118 College Avenue, Factoryville. For more information about banking at this branch, please reach out to Janice Bevacqua, Assistant Vice President & Branch Manager at