Lackawanna Historical Society Spotlight Art for Anthracite Heritage Month

Members News

Each January, museums, educational institutions, and public organizations observe Anthracite Mining Heritage Month, a regional observance focusing on the history and culture of the anthracite region of Northeastern Pennsylvania. The Lackawanna Historical Society will present two programs at the end of the month, exploring topics of unionization and industry in the coal region.

On Sunday, January 26 at 2pm, join us for “Artistic Expressions in Anthracite,” a panel discussion at the Catlin House, 232 Monroe Avenue, Scranton. Our expert panelists will discuss how anthracite has been expressed through different artistic mediums: Chester Kulesa, former site administrator of the PA Anthracite Heritage Museum, will speak on photography; Richard Stanislaus, former curator of the PA Anthracite Heritage Museum, will discuss paintings and illustrations; and F. Charles Petrillo, local author and historian, will discuss the portrayal of the anthracite region in films. The panel will be moderated by Phil Mosely, professor emeritus at Penn State University and author of “Telling of the Anthracite.”

Throughout the month a variety of programs will be offered in across the region, from Ashley to Wilkes-Barre, sponsored by the Anthracite Heritage Foundation and various historical societies and museums. When available, a full schedule of events can be found on the Society’s website at

For more information or to register, please call the Society at 570-344-3841 or email