AJ Cimahosky

Anthony (AJ) Cimahosky is the economic development specialist for The Chamber business development division, the Scranton Lackawanna Industrial Building Company (SLIBCO), and the business development marketing program, The Scranton Plan.

In this role, Cimahosky works on marketing projects for The Scranton Plan, which supports the creation and retention of jobs in Lackawanna County. He also aids with economic development activities through SLIBCO, including attracting new industries, assisting in business expansion, and helping with facilities management.

Cimahosky has experience in economic development and marketing from his role as a business development and research analyst at Mericle Commercial Real Estate. Before his role at the Chamber, AJ was the manager of continuing education at Johnson College.

Cimahosky earned his Bachelor of Science in energy, business & finance from Pennsylvania State University and is a graduate of Honesdale High School. He resides in Glenburn Township with his wife, Sara.

Contact AJ

Email: AJCimahosky@ScrantonChamber.com

Phone: (570) 342–7711 ext. 137